Model ID: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6 Sitecore Context Id: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6;

Reporting on Unsafe Work Situations – Frequently Asked Questions

Reporting without retaliation is a basic right for everyone.
Model ID: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6 Sitecore Context Id: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6;
22 Sep 2023
Model ID: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6 Sitecore Context Id: 7ce75318-bcf4-4f39-9382-b091dd47c6e6;
1. What are reporting channels?

Reporting channels are means where a worker, or even contractor/vendors/visitors can inform your organisation, should they spot any unsafe situations. It can be in a form of an email address, a hotline, an online form or through a mobile application. This could be combined with the company’s general feedback channel in some cases.

2. What if my company does not have a reporting channel of any sort. How do I report unsafe practices?

You can feedback to your direct supervisor and seek advice from your company’s Union leader(s) if there is no response. If the matter is serious (possibility of fatality occurring), you can escalate the issue to the authorities through your union or report to MOM through SnapSAFE.

3. What are some examples of unsafe situations I can report on?


  • Slippery surfaces that can cause falls;
  • Bad cable management across walkways that can cause tripping;
  • Damaged equipment used for working at height;
  • Overloading of electrical points;
  • Usage of electrical tools with frayed wiring;
  • Lack of personal protective equipment ;
  • Materials stacked on shelves in unstable manner;
  • Blocking of emergency exits;
  • Having people around blind spots during heavy vehicle maneuvering;
  • Placing flammables near heat sources; and
  • Improper use of lifting equipment;

Above are all examples of unsafe situations you can report on, but is not exhaustive. Look out for our upcoming articles on unsafe situations that could occur in workplace on this page in November.

4. What is the next step after I have reported the issue?

Depending on your Company’s internal guidelines, the rectification timeline and response time might differ. In the meantime, do not continue to perform the work if you think the act is unsafe. Report to your management or union if your reporting supervisor persist in making you proceed with the unsafe act, without demonstrating any proof that the work is safe to proceed with. If it is your co-worker that is experiencing the issue, please advise them to do the same.

5. I have reported the same safety issue several times with no response at all and I am concerned that it would not be long before someone gets hurt badly. What should I do?

You can proceed to escalate the issue to your union leader/ union, or you can also report to MOM. Workplace safety is a fundamental right.

6. What are the examples that constitute as retaliation after I have reported safety issues?

Some examples of retaliation include the following: unfair dismissal, withholding of bonuses, demotion, low appraisal ratings and is not related to the work performance of the person.

Under Section 18(2) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006, dismissal or threatening the dismissal of an employee after they have made a report on unsafe situations is a punishable offence.